Thursday, September 23, 2010

Soy Benefits

History of the first notes of soy contained in the Chinese Materia Medica journal, written by the Sheng Nung emperor in 2838 BC. Mentioned that wild soybean plant (Glycine ururiencis) is the first soybean-growing species in the area of Manchuria (mainland China). From China, the soybean plants spread to Japan (6th century) and Europe (17th century). In Indonesia, began to be cultivated soybean plants for food and green manure since the 17th century. Nutrient Content of Soybean is a source of protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
The composition of amino acids in soybean is more complete and balanced. Soy is nutritious for the growth and maintain the body's cells. Soy contains high protein and contain less fat. Soy protein is also evidenced at least better than other types of beans. 
Equivalent protein content of animal protein from meat, milk, and eggs. Moreover, 25% fat content in soy composed of unsaturated fatty acid that is free of cholesterol. Unsaturated fatty acids may prevent hardening of the arteries-the arteries (arterio sclerosis). Soy can also help reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and can reduce the risk of heart disease, as has been proven through various studies that show that eating four servings of soy foods per day, levels of LDL in the blood can be reduced by 10%, which means it can reduce the risk of heart disease up to 20%. 
In addition, soybeans are also rich in linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and lecithin. Linoleic and linolenic acid are essential fatty acids from the omega-6 and omega-3, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. While lecithin is a mixture of chemical compounds fosfatida and fatty compounds, which include fosfatidil choline, fosfatidil etanolamin, fosfatidil inositol and other compounds. Lecithin is believed to be his usefulness as a youth drug, increased memory, and enhance endurance. 
Not surprisingly, now lecithin can also be consumed directly in the form of tablets or capsules soft (soft gel). 100 grams of soy that contains: Vitamin A: 110 international units (IU) of Vitamin B: Thiamine: milligrams 1:07 Niacin: 2.3 milligrams of Vitamin C: still in the research Kalisum: being studied in Iron: 8.0 milligrams Phosphorus: 586 milligrams Potassium: 540 milligrams of fat: 1.18 grams Carbohydrates: 34.8 grams Protein: 34.0 grams Calories: 331.

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